Advanced Building Construction Collaborative

The buildings sector faces a confluence of critical challenges: catastrophic climate change is on the horizon (in part driven by buildings-related emissions), construction industry productivity has declined in the last 50 years, and a shortage of attainable housing is burdening families and the economy. Advanced building construction (ABC) offers a powerful solution.

Read the new ABC Collaborative Report

Accelerating Residential Building Decarbonization

Advanced Building Construction

Advanced Building Construction employs industrialized construction and innovative building technologies with a focus on energy efficiency, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, streamlined project delivery, and high-quality yet cost-effective building techniques and materials. The ABC Collaborative brings together forward-looking people and organizations to modernize the construction industry and advance the buildings sector. Through five core competencies, the Collaborative is paving the way for high-performance, low-carbon new construction and building retrofits.


Addressing Market Barriers

The Collaborative works to overcome institutional and financial barriers to market growth through the expertise and strategies of our Working Groups and by direct action from the Collaborative as a whole.

Want to learn more about getting involved?

We want to hear from you. Please send us a message.

What our Partners Say

“Our Advanced Building Construction Initiative is reinventing the ABCs of building, unlocking higher...performance levels at even lower costs while helping you build better and faster.”
Jennifer M. Granholm
US Secretary of Energy
“It’s ultimately about people. The power that buildings have to provide resilient spaces. A third of our climate altering pollution... that’s what can be traced back to buildings. This is about a system wide approach... How do we fundamentally change how we construct and renovate buildings.”
Mark Chambers
R.A., Senior Director for Building Emissions at White House Council on Environmental Quality at Executive Office of the President
[ press ]

ABC in the News

Stylish Family Appartment
Minimal Guests House
Art Family Residence
Private House in Spain
Modern Villa in Belgium
Minimalistic Style Appartment

Header images courtesy of Icon, Mighty Buildings, KK Law, and Self Help Enterprises.