

What Is ABC

Advanced Building Construction (ABC) refers to innovative retrofit and new construction solutions that combine industrialized construction techniques with high-performance, cost-effective building technologies. ABC improves affordability, comfort, resilience, and efficiency while enabling faster project delivery and better overall building performance. ABC solutions include new construction methods, advanced manufacturing techniques, and innovative business models that streamline development and reduce costs.

[ about the collaborative ]

Who We Are

The ABC Collaborative brings together a diverse network of industry leaders — including manufacturers, builders, developers, and real estate professionals — to accelerate the adoption and scaling of modern construction methods. Our work supports the transformation of the U.S. construction industry, ensuring it can deliver more efficient, resilient, and attainable housing.

[ vision ]

Our 2050 Goal

We aim to transform the U.S. building sector to make housing more affordable, resilient, and high-performing. To achieve this, we are working toward the following 2030 objectives.

  • Scale retrofits to 3M+ high-efficiency, resilient building upgrades per year

  • Ensure virtually all new construction meets high-performance building standards

  • Expand ABC activity to at least 25% of the construction market

  • Advance business models, workforce training, and public-sector collaboration to drive industry-wide modernization


Are you interested in helping us achieve our goal? Contact us to see how you can get involved.


ABC Collaborative Activities

Foundational Activities 

We bring together industry leaders through events, working groups, and market research to provide insights on trends, build relationships, and support the national expansion of ABC. Our goal is to create a network of professionals equipped with the knowledge and resources to scale high-performance construction in markets across the country.

Market Mobilization Activities

The ABC Collaborative will mobilize local and regional industry and public sector actors to create hubs of ABC activity grounded in local needs and resources. These hubs will engage local policymakers, business stakeholders, and workforce institutions to create ABC-conducive market conditions that enable transactional ecosystems.

Transactional Activities

Each of these activities is designed to drive adoption of ABC. The Collaborative will coordinate a platform to facilitate and expedite transactional relationships and rapidly increase the rate of ABC activity. In addition, the Collaborative will support supply and demand actors with a series of enabling services. This support will ensure that suppliers and solution providers are able to establish successful business ventures and corporate partnerships and that developers, owners, and operators receive the appropriate ABC packages required to fulfill their real estate project and performance needs.