Introduction to Embodied Carbon

Introduction to Embodied Carbon for Advanced Building Construction

The Basics of Embodied Carbon Measurement, Reduction, and Reporting

About This Guide 

This guide is an introductory resource for building product manufacturers who would like to reduce embodied carbon in their products. The navigation bar allows users to explore different sections and learn the basics of how to measure, reduce, and report embodied carbon for building materials and products. The guide also includes a glossary of common embodied carbon terms for reference.  

This resource was inspired and informed by monthly convenings of the Embodied Carbon Working Group hosted by the Advanced Building Construction (ABC) Collaborative in 2021–2022. The participants, representing organizations ranging from material and product manufacturers to nonprofit and academic groups, identified barriers to reducing embodied carbon in building construction products. One of the key industry challenges identified by this group was the need for foundational information to help navigate embodied carbon reporting and reduction methods.